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contoh kalimat boat lift

"boat lift" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Reliable Supplier Drive-On Floating Boat Lift -...
    Pemasok handal Drive-On Terapung Boat Lift -...
  • Reliable Supplier Drive-On Floating Boat Lift -...
    Supplier dipercaya Girang-Di floating Parahu Angkat -...
  • Marine Boat Lift Air Bags Ship Launching 8 - 24m Long
    Peluncuran Kapal Kantung Udara Kapal Laut, Panjang 8 - 24m
  • Safe Customized Boat Lift Float Bags Underwater Salvage Air Lift Bags Large Size
    Aman Disesuaikan Boat Lift Float Bags Underwater Salvage Bags Lift Udara Ukuran Besar
  • A boat lift is a machine for transporting boats between water at two different elevations.
    Lift kapal adalh mesin untuk mengangkut kapal yang berada dalam ketinggian air yang berbeda.
  • Steel Davit Crane Boat Lift , Free Fall Davit For Fast Rescue Boat Landing Device
    Steel Davit Crane Boat Lift, Free Fall Davit Untuk Perangkat Pendaratan Perahu Cepat
  • The second group consists of those peoples who emigrated from Cuba during and after the period of the Mariel boat lift of the 1980s.
    Kelompok kedua terdiri dari orang-orang yang berpindah dari kuba saat dan setelah periode pendaratan perahu Mariel pada 1980an.
  • These people consist of two primary groups loosely defined by the period of time occurring before and after the Mariel boat lift of the 1980s.
    Orang-orang tersebut terbagi dalam dua kelompok utama yang didefinisikan menurut masa sebelum dan setelah terjadinya pendaratan perahu Mariel pada 1980an.